Br’er shrugged. “To make his cronies jealous I guess. He’ll probably want me to pretend I’m legit, not a hired date.”
“Who else?”
“A guy I see about once a month. He usually just wants me to do a slow, sexy strip while he watches and gets himself off.”
Mazie made a face.
“Hey, it’s easy money. He never wants more than that.”
Br’er stopped when he read the last message. His heart skipped a beat, then he sighed, both disappointed and relieved.
“Number three,” Mazie prompted.
Br’er shrugged. “Just some guy who wants to meet at a hotel pretty far out of town. For a minute I thought it might be that Randy guy who I kinda fell for. But he was in a different hotel in the opposite direction.”
“They don’t give you names?”
“Sometimes. But it really doesn’t matter. Most of the time they’re not their real names anyway. Most of the men who hire us are not out and those that are…well, some are ashamed they have to rent someone to be with, so they keep it on the down low.”