“Bentley is such a good kid,” Paul began. “He’s going to Hudson full time during the day and works here at night. He just doesn’t deserve what he’s been through.”
Quinn shook his head as if he were resigned to the inevitable.
“What happened?” Ray asked.
“He’s been in love three times, and each of his boyfriends cheated on him. I thought the third time was the charm, but no, it’s happened to him again. He told us about it just last week. He came home to find…” Paul turned to Quinn. “What was the boyfriend’s name again?”
Quinn sighed. “I don’t remember.”
“Doesn’t matter. Bentley came home to find his boyfriend in bed with another guy. I wouldn’t be surprised if he gave up on love altogether.”
Br’er turned to look at Ray. Ray was giving him a warm smile. “He shouldn’t give up,” Ray said without taking his eye from Br’er. “Sometimes the fourth time is the charm.”
Bentley returned with their drinks.
“How are things going for you?” Paul asked the waiter pointedly.