* * * *
Nevin holds my hand as we enter the closet. At my side, he whispers, ??Is it true that we??re seeing eachother? Rumor has it at the party that we??re dating and could be lovers.??
I guffaw and ask, ??What are you talking about???
??I??ve heard from a number of guests that we??re a couple. We??re boyfriends tonight. Is this true? Is this how we??re bringing in the New Year???
I want to say nothing in response to his concern, keeping my lips zipped. Rather, I grin and feel mischievous. It??s impossible to keep quiet about the topic, though. ??You could have worse boyfriends.??
??Are you saying you??re a good catch???
??Only the best, Nevin. Let me stick around and find out.??
??We??ll see about that.?? He pulls me into the closet and closes the door behind us, welcoming me to a place that he calls heaven.
* * * *