Goth Girl said, “And two packs of Marlboro Gold.”
Akira shook her head and said, “That totals $18.49. You know you have to be legal age for smokes.”
The teen male member deepened his voice, “I’m twenty-seven.” He had black nails with red outlines, black lipstick, and an awesome, ankle-length coat with wide lapels.
They emptied pockets of dollar bills and change on the counter, totaling $17.01, a bit short of the bill.
Akira smiled. “Not enough for smokes anyway.”
The other girl grabbed the bags. “Let’s just go.”
Akira suggested returning an item to lower the bill, but the group seemed embarrassed. Didn’t anyone have a debit card? Goth Girl used one in the past.
Goth Girl hesitated, and the boy was obviously going to follow the lead of girl number two.
Akira got her purse and added the rest of the money. “Have a good night.”
Goth Girl mouthed, Thank You.