* * * *
Back in the patrol car, Rosey told Jade she’d take her home, rush to the department, change into civilian clothes, and rush home.
Jade moaned, “Can I stay with you?”
“Sure, baby.”
Rosey transferred Jade to her personal car, left the patrol vehicle in the police garage, and changed out of her uniform.
Riding home, Jade said, “I appreciate your standing up to the jerk for me, but are you in trouble now?”
“Likely. Don’t worry.”
At home, with Jade in bed and sedated, Rosey called to contact the on-call Police Officers’ Association rep. She ran the situation by him, including what the citizen, the retired officer, said about smelling booze on the lieutenant’s breath.
“Did you smell alcohol from him?”
“I don’t know. I don’t think so, but I look for that with citizens during calls, not from peers.”