“We worked it out. I stressed and worried over it.”
“So, what happened?” Jade hugged Mom tighter.
“The lieutenant and I were called into the deputy chief’s office, a good guy. I like and respect him.”
“Is that the guy, Stu Florence, that you said if he had to go into hell and arrest the devil, you’d go with him?”
“Yup. So, he had the lieutenant tell his side, and I told mine. The stories pretty much matched. The deputy chief said he heard from the retired officer, who said he only mentioned booze on the lieutenant’s breath to try to support me against the supervisor. Stu said it sounded like we both were under a lot of pressure and went off on each other. I apologized for telling him GTH, go to hell, on the instant message. He said he had family problems and was out of sorts.”
“So you kissed and made up.”
“Yuch. I’d take a thirty-day suspension before I’d kiss him. So not my type.”
They shared a laugh.
“Mom, are you going to bed soon?”