Rosey had a few weeks more of recovery before returning to work, and she used the time to catch up on reading and sleep, and sex with Mark. She vowed to lose weight and get in better shape physically, and she said she was interested in taking Jujitsu at the school Akira taught at, making Akira feel great.
Rosey talked to Akira about doing ride-alongs with her and other officers and arranged a meeting with the director of the police reserves to give Akira a head start on her policing career. They talked aboutthe understaffing, but with the lawsuits finished, the POA was working with the city to have more police academies and increase pay. If Akira were hired, she’d be part of the rebuilding process.
* * * *
Things were going well six months later. Rosey was on day shift and later transferred to the detective division. She was happy there. She was studying to take the test for lieutenant. Jade and Akira were in their second year of community college.