“Maybe love is more words,” I insinuate to him.
He offers no more and we remain on our keys, looking over at A Man to Love.
Bill doesn’t return at dark and Ak flies off the K, upset there’s again no frenzy. I follow him to the eating place, where he zooms around. We accept that humans feed, though it has little appeal. But, lacking frenzy, we insinuate into a big white thing we’ve seen Bill use and find cold which has great appeal because, before we found Earth, it was our natural state. Ak insinuates into some green stuff, but flies right out. Then something red occupies him so long I almost go in after him. “That’s better,” he says when he pops out. “More welcoming,” he adds. He tries yellow, brown, and purple while I simply wait in the cold.
Colors have been a wonderful addition to our existence. Humans not only enjoy them, they’ve named themas they seem to have a need to name everything. “Like the bunghole,” Ak insinuates and I am tickled.
* * * *