Chapter 7

“This is Scotland,” he moaned to Stephen later. “Where’s the bloody bacon!”

“This is posh Scotland,” came the shouted reply over the shower water.

“No such bloody thing.”

“It’s not all deep fried Mars Bars and haggis, you know.”

“Those are the only good bits,” Mike protested.

The bathroom door opened and Stephen wandered out from his second shower of the morning, completely naked, and Mike paused in his raid of the tea supplies.

“Alright,” he conceded. “Two of the three good bits.”

Stephen gave him a look so unimpressed it could have come from their cat, and rummaged in his bags for underwear.

“So who’s this lad Beth’s marrying, anyway?”

“Robert MacNeil.”

“Bob,” Mike immediately decided.

“Doubt it. Great Aunt Alicia said he worked at Mother’s firm.”

“Shagging the boss’ daughter. Nice one, Bob.”