Chapter 13

Familiar ones.


Stephen’s voice was gentle, and Mike shook the hand off, only to take it in his own and squeeze.

“Come on,” he said. “I lost the coin toss. Direct me to that curry house of your’n.”

“I need more wine.”


“Yeah. Spilled mine on Father.”

Mike smirked.


“Of course.”

“I accidentally threw it out of my hand and into his face.”

“Clumsy berk.”

“It runs in the family.”

“It does not.”

“Bloody does, Aunt Alicia did it, too.”

Mike laughed properly then, and caught Stephen at the car to shove him against the bodywork and kiss him.

“Bugger the lot of them,” he said fiercely. “They don’t want to be a part of our new family, they canshove it.”

Stephen grinned. “Can I bugger you instead?”

“Yeah, alright.”

2: Amy

Typically, for the first week of the summer holidays, it pissed it down.