Chapter 15

But then Mike had left to go to the academy, and Stephen had stormed out of a meeting with the headmasterafter parents had complained about the queer teacher running the swimming club and taken up his currentposition in a fit of anger, and things had changed. Stephen’s new school didn’t have the first clue who he was or where he’d come from, and Stephen had kept it like that. They hadn’t asked, he hadn’t told, and he was getting along famously.

But Mike’s new colleagues were gossips.

Grade A gossips.

The moment the female contingent of staff had found out that his wedding ring belonged to a husband and not a wife, they had swarmed around him like flies to a carcass, supremely and mystifyingly interested.The rest of it, Mike knew, was really his own fault and had come on the heels of Emma Mayhew’s coming out. The head of the science department had asked him to start an LGBT group for any other pupils like Emma that they might have, and Mike had been reluctant.