Chapter 26


Mike knocked over the pyramid in his enthusiasm, and Stephen laughed.


“Alright, pisshead. Come on. Let’s go and get some food into you.”

“Where we goin’?”

“Food,” Stephen repeated loudly. “Then home, I think. Don’t fancy looking after you being sick all night.”

“You’re not drunk. You need to drink.”

“Oh, believe me, I did.”

Mike frowned. “Did you?”



“When you were trying to break up the fight,” Stephen said.

“Oh. Oh.”

Stephen had lost the second coin toss, though not by much. Jez had been late. And it had been reasonably obvious why, by the smell of Carlsberg and the fact that his best man had been replaced by an usher due to a raging hangover. Vows had been said through gritted teeth, and Jo had turned her head last minute so the first kiss between man and wife had landed on her cheek instead. Even the minister had looked uncomfortable, and the mingling between the groom’s and bride’s guests had been minimal at best.