Chapter 37

They made plans, too, Stephen logging onto the café’s WiFi and looking up routes and tickets, wanting—of course—to visit everything that was older than Aunt Alicia. Bloody history teachers. He enthused over the number of museums, and Mike called for another beer—sir-vay-sir was apparently close enough, even if the bloke smirked a bit when he asked—and tried to wheedle a bit of beach lounging as well.

“It’s a holiday, not a marathon event.”

“You run twenty-six miles in a marathon, you don’t walk it with a map and lots of rest stops in bars.”

“Bloody should, I could be an athlete again.”



They mock-argued over dinner, and then when the plates were gone and they got another round of drinks in, they settled down to watch the football. They picked opposing teams, just for the hell of it, and when Stephen’s lost, he bought the third round.