Chapter 40

Stephen did, though, when he sidled up and hooked a finger into Mike’s belt. He stood far too close, almost bracketing Mike’s leg with his thighs, and when the woman’s scowl deepened, Mike smirked and slid a hand around Stephen’s bum to hold him even closer.


“Missed you,” Stephen said, and Mike tried not to laugh. Like hell he had. He hated flying with Mike, said he never got any leg room and always had to buy the snacks.



The kiss was open and dirty, the kind of kiss Stephen usually only offered when he was in the middle of being fucked stupid. Mike squeezed a cheek, and heard the woman ushering her kid away. And then, at once, Stephen let go, backed up a good two feet, and grinned like they were bloody students again.

“What was that about?”

“She took exception to my book on the plane.”

“Oh, your seat neighbour, was she?”


“What were you reading?”

“One of my queer history books.”