Chapter 49

But Mike could finally sympathise with their toxic mix of dread and euphoria. After all, back to work. But he’d also not have to be here all year. Unlike this lot.

“Pick a seat, children, and sit in it! You’re picking a stool, not a university placement. Hands to yourself, please, Mr Price! This is a laboratory, not an exhibit at a second-class zoo, even if that is where most of you belong.”

Sixth formers. Mike liked sixth formers. Nobody took science A-Levels for fun, so it was a classroom of people who actually wanted to be there. So they settled—albeit with a lot of sniggering, and some unkind elbows in each other’s ribs—and soon twenty-six pairs of eyes were staring at him as Mike hefted his briefcase onto his desk, and snapped it open to find his very first lesson plan of the year.