Chapter 18

“I might not be very good at baking, but I do know how to sew.”

Mr. Fenton was still staring. “They look flea-bitten.” He looked up at Christy. “You can sew?”

“They don’t have fleas,” Christy said, horrified. “They were well kept, and yes, I can sew.”


“Trust me,” Christy said. “Look, once I’ve finished they will look wonderful.” He picked up lengths of dark green cloth. “Just trust me. Please?”

Mr. Fenton gave him a long look and again, Christy couldn’t look away. Those clear grey eyes seemed to be probing for questions and Christy’s mouth went dry. He looked at the chairs afraid that Mr. Fenton might be able to see into his heart.

Mr. Fenton sighed. “I trust you.”

Christy hugged the words tight and felt a warmth in his chest that stayed with him as he sewed slip covers for the chairs.

* * * *