Chapter 12

“You should’ve called my cell phone so you wouldn’t have to wait outside.”

“You were never a party animal, so I didn’t figure it would be too late. I would have called if it had hit midnight.” Greg peered at Wes and nodded.

“Greg, this is my roommate, Wes.”

They shook hands and each said a polite “Nice to meet you.” Greg’s smile seemed sincere, so maybe he’d missed the hand-holding in the dark. Wes looked a little stiff, due to his perception of my discomfort, I hoped, rather than irritation.

“Let’s go inside,” I said. “Where’s your bag? In your car?”

“Yeah, I’ll grab it.”

Greg crossed the lot and I whispered, “Sorry,” to Wes.

“It’s cool. I understand.”

“Understanding” didn’t necessarily equate to not feeling put out, or at the very least, disappointment, and Wes’s expression wasn’t giving away his true feelings.