Chapter 23

“Greg should be able to pick you up and drop you off, so don’t waste money setting up a rental car.”

“Okay. I’m looking forward to meeting Marie.”

“She’s such a sweetheart.”

Please don’t ask about Amber. Please don’t ask if I’ve got a girlfriend. “I’m sure she is. After all, Greg fell in love with her.”

“Do…” I held my breath as the word hung in the air for a beat before Mom continued. “Well, I have so many questions for you, but I’ll see you in person in two weeks, so I’ll hold off.”

I hoped Mom didn’t hear my sigh of relief. “Yeah, might as well. Anyway, I’ll get those flights booked and text you the details.”

“Okay, honey. I love you. Give Greg my love. I’ll call him later and wish him luck on his interviews.”

“Love you, too, Mom. See you soon.”

I clicked off and slumped in the chair. I looked up when Wes and Greg walked into the room, Wes with an armful of textbooks he must’ve grabbed from his bedroom. “How’d it go?” Wes asked.