Chapter 38

“Oh, yeah. He did that as a medical student, too.”

“I don’t know if I’d want to be some student’s first Guinea pig,” Alan said.

“I wouldn’t mind,” Ben said. “Somebody’s got to be every doctor’s first. I imagine it would be hard on the poor student the first time they worked on a live person.”

“Wes said it wasn’t too bad because they do it in the OR and the patient isn’t awake,” Marie said.

“Ooooh,” Caryn said. “Geez, I guess by the time they finally do it on a conscious person, they’ve gotten a lot of practice.”

“Yeah. It was fascinating watching him practice. I’d never realized how many different types of stitches there were—both methods and thread options.” Marie stabbed a piece of chicken and winked at Greg as she at it.

“I don’t envy him having to work with all those nurses in the hospital.” Alan exaggerated a phony shudder.

Sonia laughed. “Aw, what do you have against nurses?”

Caryn added, “Don’t think you could handle the temptation?”