Chapter 48

Wes surely knew all this without my putting it into words. He just needed to share. Someone to listen and to hold tightly, and be held in return. That I could definitely do. I kept my movements small as I lightly caressed his chest until his hand landed atop mine, and we fell asleep.

* * * *

I woke earlier than I typically would without the help of an alarm. I didn’t want to wake Wes by tossingand turning, so I slipped quietly out of bed. I’d showered last night, so I breezed through my morning routine, and in the kitchen, I tried to be as noiseless as possible as I prepared a big weekend breakfast.

The door to Greg’s room, currently housing Mom and Dad, snicked open, then closed, followed by muted sounds from the bathroom. I figured it was Mom, because she was an early riser—both my parents were—and she’d never be able to relax knowing that cooking was happening without her.

So I startled when Dad’s voice came from behind me. “Good morning.”