Chapter 31

“But I have to be both parents,” she said, sniffling. “I have to make sure this is already started before I give birth.”

Seth felt like a jerk. He’d been arguing with her for days and all she was trying to do was ensure her baby was taken care of. “Okay. I’ll help. Hell, you’ve done an amazing job here. Not many people can say they own and run a successful business at the age of twenty-five. I trust your instinct to expand.”

Karlee pulled away. “You do?” she asked, her green eyes pleading with him to understand and agree.


“What about Chris?”

He sighed. “I still think you should try his food first, but I might have been against you partnering with him for another reason,” he grudgingly admitted.

“Like what?” she asked, cocking her head and wiping at her tears.