The musty air hung heavy in the closed-off space. Seth reopened the door, using the brace at the top to keep it ajar. Hopefully that would bring fresh air into the place.
Mr. Landers plopped himself into the only chair, conveniently located just to the left of the door. Seth wondered if he kept one available in every empty storefront so he could sit when showing it.
Karlee and Chris headed toward the back, obviously eager to see what they could salvage. The less they would need to remodel, the better.
Seth’s gaze swept the open area, which looked bigger than he remembered. Black and white tile covered the floor, and other than a few tiles showing wear, they seemed in good condition. The walls were painted a plain cream, which would have to be redone. A long pink counter ran perpendicular to the frontwindows. An empty shelf of the same pink plastic laminate ran the entire wall behind the counter, leaving room for the door to the back.