Chapter 85

“Why are you here?” Chad knew his voice was rougher than it needed to be, but he was still pissed aboutwhat had happened. He had been humiliated in front of the town because this guy didn’t know how to ride a damn horse.

“Why?” Chocolate brown eyes widened. “Why wouldn’t I be here? I feel so terrible about what happened! I can’t believe how badly Fluffy misbehaved. It was atrocious.”

“Fluffy?” Chad raised an eyebrow and let his gaze sweep over the man standing inches from him. He was cute. Lithe. Shorter than Chad, probably by about six inches. He had changed from his prince costume into a teal T-shirt and a pair of indigo skinny jeans. His dark hair was parted to the side and cut closeto the scalp. Those brown eyes were studying Chad and, despite his condition, he was surprised to feel his cock twitch.

“Fluffy is my brother’s horse.”

“Adorable name, but doesn’t quite match its behavior,” Chad pointed out.

“Not today. I’ll agree with you on that.”