Chapter 116

Then why was his gut churning? Why was he already dreading parting company with this man? What was it about Gene that pulled at him? He sighed and looked out the window, watching the few cars on the road andwondering what those people were doing. Guys out with their favorite gals, probably. Being happy and loving whom they wanted.

They reached the garage sooner than he hoped and Gene had him wait by the bike while he got the car situated in the bay. Within minutes, Gene was heading toward him, the garage door closed and his car safely tucked away for the night.

“That’s a cherry flip-top, Billy. Most of the 1950 Ford Club Coupes I have worked on have white interiors. I like the red and white combination in yours.”

“I didn’t pick it,” Billy confessed. “It was a graduation gift from my parents.”

“Wow. So, maybe he’s less of an ass than I thought?”