Chapter 133

Jeff must have heard me, because he instantly turned down the music. “You okay, Aaron?”

I looked out the window. This was ridiculous. I was not going to cry about the possibility he found out Iwas gay. “Just allergies.” Without even turning, I knew he didn’t believe me. I could feel his eyes on the back of my neck, the heat boring into me. He must have decided not to push, because he finally turned up the music.

At my house, I jumped out without even looking at him, mumbling, “Thanks.” I was almost to the door when he called my name. I turned to see him standing outside his truck, between the cab and the open driver’s side door.


“Pick you up at five?”

“Sure, see you then.” I hurried inside my house, closed the door, and leaned back against it. Why was I so worried? If he had figured it out, he had figured it out. My rapid heartbeat started to slow as I caught the scent of chocolate chip cookies. “Mom?”

“In here.”