Five minutes later, she arrived with my two sandwiches and two cups of water, one for her. She sat across from me and took a sip.
“Are you on break?” I asked.
She nodded. “You always work that late in the evening on a Saturday, like you did last week?”
I took a bite of my sandwich and nodded. “Sometimes it’s later, but nine in the evening is typically the cut-off point. It depends on what I have to do, what the deadlines are.”
“Are you a lawyer or something?”
“CPA. Lots of spreadsheets and budgets, etc., etc.”
“Do you like it?”
“It pays the bills.” I drank some water and went back to eating. What else was there to say? “Are you all right? Did you report the guy who assaulted you?”
“Yeah. I gave a description of him to the police. I’m okay, maybe a little spooked, but it will pass.” She sucked on her straw before asking, “Which building do you work in?” I told her. “Oh! Lindsey works in the one across from you!”
I wanted to say, “yes, I know,” but I didn’t.