On reaching them he turned and with a gesture, a lightning bolt flew at Crevyn. With a gesture of her own, Madam Audra deflected the bolt into the air where it exploded into rainbow colors.
“For the sake of my sister, I did not redirect the bolt back to you, Garvit. Go now before even affection for my sister will not save you.”
Storm clouds gathered overhead, blacker and more menacing than Crevyn had ever seen before, and he pressed close to Kano. Then Garvit turned and walked away, and after a moment, the clouds dispersed, and the sun shone once more.
“My apologies.” Madam Audra bowed her head. “If you think I should be replaced—”
“Not at all.” Kano looked at the rest of the judges who nodded. “No one is perfect and since there were no formal complaints made, you made the best choices you could. Speak to your sister, see if Garvit’s brother can take one of the places left by either Garvit or by Crevyn.” Kano looked down at Crevyn.
“You will join me in my home.”