And so was the look McGregor gave him when he spotted what Paul was looking at. The challenging “You got a problem, pal?” look. Paul had many problems, but the idea of McGregor being gay wasn’t one of them. Not for the obvious reason. The guy was hot, but he was way out of Paul’s league and too much in the public eye for Paul to even think of him as anything but a great story.
A story he might be about to add an interesting angle to.
The photographer got some great shots of McGregor, looking handsome and noble, his white shirt open at the neck to show off a nice tan. Then it was just the two of them as the photographer packed up and left.
“Can I call you Andrew?” Paul asked as he set up his recorder. “Or is it Andy?”
“It’s Drew, actually.”
“Oh. Andy is better. For the piece, I mean. More…everyman.”
McGregor—Drew—shrugged. “Everyone calls me Drew.”