Chapter 10

The fact two guys about three feet away from him on the bench were apparently giving each other tonsillectomies using only their tongues wasn’t the point….

He couldn’t recall what the point was, because his head seemed to be full of bees, his brain buzzing and vibrating. Drew’s voice brought him out of his haze of pleasurable terror. A gentle voice. A kind one. Probably the same voice he’d used for scared and trapped Lily the night they met.

“This is about more than the job, is it?”


Drew waited for more, but Paul…shook his head. No. Not here. Not now. It was too much, too intense to talk about here. Drew didn’t press. Drew sat with Paul, still holding his hand. Eventually he spoke, voice a bit more matter-of-fact.

“Okay, so we can’t sit here all night. What do you want to do now?”

“You won’t mention this to anyone, will you? Back home I mean? At the paper?”

“No. It’s not my job to out you. But how about you be honest with me from now on?”