Chapter 15

Published in the United States of America.

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Role Model

By Becky Black

For most people, a phone call at three in the morning would be something to dread.

Not for Paul Bradley.

He picked up the mobile ringing by his bed.

“Get your arse up to the moor road, six miles north of Leyton,” his editor, Henderson, said. “Got a tip from our tame copper.”

“On my way.” Paul yanked out the charging cord, grabbed a pair of jeans from the dirty laundry basket,and found a clean T-shirt. Phone. Bag. Car keys. Jacket. He left the house five minutes after waking up.

In the inky night, the lights on the moor road were visible for miles. They were powerful arc lights used by Fire and Rescue. The road ahead was blocked and taped off. Paul counted two fire engines, five police cars, and two ambulances. The air ambulance helicopter waited in a field.