Chapter 19

“You’ve made me less cynical the last few days, Drew. Can you tell me what happened when you climbed inside the car?”

Drew took a breath, refocused himself. “The truck had a container on it. That’s what was going to fall. It was starting to come loose from the trailer.”

“Christ,” Paul muttered. The thought made him shudder.

“The car was in the ditch, on its side. The driver’s side was downwards and stove in. That’s where Mr. Winslow was. I couldn’t get close enough to examine him, but there were…clear indications he was deceased. I don’t want to say anything more about that. For his family’s sake.”

“Of course.”

“Lily was in the back, on the passenger side of the car. Still strapped in her child seat.”

“Was she trapped?”

“Yes. The seat in front of her had been shoved back and trapped her legs. So even though I could have freed her from the child seat easily, I still couldn’t have pulled her out.”