Martin’s melancholy was pushed back when he felt Colin sit next to him on the sofa and put an arm aroundhim.
“Thanks for a really great time, mate.”
Martin’s heart was beginning to swell. “Thanks for sharing the day with me, it made all the difference.” You’ll never know how much of a difference, he thought.
The two quieted as they watched the afternoon family movie. For the first time in a very long while, Martin had really enjoyed a TV programme. This was because Colin had patiently explained all the bits that he was unable to follow.
When the credits began to roll, Martin stood up. It was wonderful having Colin so near him, he could smell the manly scents of his guest, a combination of Old Spice, a little fabric conditioner from his clothes, as well as that indefinable smell of man. It was all a bit much for Martin to cope with.
“I might as well make a start on the clearing up.”
“No, let me do it, you’ve been on the go all day, and yesterday as well, I bet.”