“You got that pass Peter sent you?” Corey asked.
“Yeah.” David handed it to Corey, who showed it to the MP guarding the main gate.
Once they received clearance, they were allowed to enter. After a number of wrong turns, the pair found themselves outside of Bud’s ward.
“I’m so pleased you could make it,” Peter said, looking tired. David assumed he’d just come off night shift.
“Yeah. I’m still not convinced that I’m making the right decision.”
“I understand. Bud got very emotional when I told him that you’d agreed to visit. I should warn you that he’s still not in the best of shape, and as I said, he’s prone to outbursts of emotion. I think some of it has to do with the post-trauma syndrome he’s suffering.”
David’s need to care for those less fortunate started to kick in, making him less nervous about seeing Bud again. “Where is he?”
“I’ll take you through now. Please, Corey, would you wait here? I think Bud and David need to be alone for a while.”