“Well, although Jerome, that’s the guy’s name by the way, said he would help take care of Adam, I wasn’t gonna have no other man raising my kid. So I had to persuade Lisa to let me have him. At first she wasn’t gonna play ball, but I managed to get Jerome to see things my way. So, between the both of us, we managed to get Lisa to agree to let me have Adam.
“Before she could change her mind again, I hired a lawyer. He drew up some papers that say Lisa has agreed to give up all parental rights to Adam, and transfer them to me. We saw the family judge this morning, and she made it all legal.”
“Wow, you have been busy.”
“Yeah.” Bud looked down at the baby in the stroller. “He’s all mine, and I even had blood tests done to prove it.”
“You have been thorough.”