Chapter 55

Liam took another swallow of his whisky before setting the glass down and began to move his cap through his fingers. Lane, not appreciating being ignored, stalked off.

“There’s something I need to tell you. I’d have done it by the lake earlier, but…well…you know,” he said, looking over at me. “For a long time I’ve wondered if there was something wrong with me. I’ve always thought myself a bit different from the people around me. It’s always been a bit strange…sometimes I thought I was being a snob, but it wasn’t that.”

His gaze seemed to drift off then.

A couple of minutes passed before Liam said, “When I was a lad back in Ireland, there was a girl who lived on the next farm over. Louise her name was. She was a good friend to me. Probably the only friend Ihad really. Growing up on a farm you soon realise where babies come from. Sex wasn’t something that wasever hidden from us. So, being the natural curious lad that I was, me and Louise had sex.”