Chapter 58

“I’ll have you know, my arse is a woman-free zone.”

“Such a waste,” she giggled.

The merriment continued for a few more moments.

Eventually Paul took hold of himself and spoke. “Uh, Trevor, could I have a quick word?”

“Sure, sweetie.” Trevor gave him an uncertain smile.

Paul gritted his teeth, hoping his discomfort didn’t show. Focussing on a spot just over Trevor’s left shoulder, he said, “Look, um, about earlier.”


Trevor wasn’t going to make it easy for him. A small voice in Paul’s head announced, Why should he? Paul cleared his throat. “Look, um, what I said, it wasn’t right. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. Honestly I didn’t mean to, I’ve had a bloody awful day, but that’s no excuse, and…” Paul ground to a halt.

“That’s okay. I understand.”

That was the worst of it; Paul knew Trevor really did understand. “Thanks, uh, I’m not, I mean, I don’t…” Paul closed his eyes momentarily. “Look, can I buy you a drink or something, you know, to apologise properly?”