“Well?” Paul asked.
“Lisa believes their marriage is solid.”
“Huh? But Gary—”
“She told me they’ve been trying for another baby. She did a pregnancy test a couple of days ago, and it came back positive, only Gary doesn’t know yet.”
“If she’s not told him yet then maybe things aren’t all sunshine and roses between them.”
“No.” Sandy shook her head. “Gary told her he hoped to come home this weekend for a visit, she’ll tell him then.”
Paul wasn’t going to give up that easily. “Some couples try to have kids to hold their marriage together.”
“Not Lisa and Gary. Trust me, I’d know if Lisa was unhappy. Women’s intuition.”
Much as he wanted to dismiss Sandy’s beliefs, he knew he couldn’t. “So why would Trevor say that Gary’s marriage was in trouble?”
“He’s probably just repeating what Gary’s told him.”
“That lying, cheating—” Paul shot to his feet, feeling more energised than in days.
“That’s the spirit,” Sandy said, looking pleased with herself.