There was no point in denying it now. “Yes.”
“He deserves a bloke like you. Though you’ll have the devil’s own job convincing him. You know,” Gary stretched, causing his T-shirt to ride up and reveal a flat ridged stomach, “the two of us are a lot alike.”
“I mean you’re like me in that you’re not totally gay.”
Paul wondered how he knew. He was a little uncomfortable that Gary could read him so accurately.
“You’re not going to have him fall for you then dump him are you?” Gary challenged.
“Because he doesn’t deserve that. He couldn’t handle it.”
“You’ve some room to talk.”
Gary nodded. “I know,” he said, quietly. “But I still love him and I won’t let you hurt him.”
Paul remembered saying something similar to Gary earlier in the conversation. “My feelings for Trevor are genuine, deep, and I promise I’ll do my best never to intentionally hurt him.”
“Guess I can’t ask for any more than that.”