Chapter 147

Parker spun to face Mason. “What? How come you know my…”

Even through his terror, Mason was able to see the dawning light of recognition appear on Parker’s face. “Mason? Is…are you…?” He moved toward the wheelchair.

“No!” Mason brought up his arms defensively.

“Mase, I…” Parker shook his head and moved closer.

“Help!” Mason screamed.

Parker halted. The car fell silent, save for Mason’s heavy breathing.

“What’s going on down there?” the maintenance man asked.

Mason couldn’t answer, his mind was locked.

“You guys okay?”

“We’re okay,” Parker shouted up. “Don’t worry, nobody’s hurt.”

Parker stared at Mason, his eyes raking along his body. “I, uh…It’s really you. Oh, man.” Parker slid down the wall of the elevator car and sat down. Mason felt a little easier.

“Why did you disappear?” Parker eventually asked, breaking the silence that had fallen between them.

“I…” Mason didn’t know what to say.

“I know I really screwed up when I said what I did that morning.”