Out of curiosity, I asked, “So, was there anyone special in your life before that shit storm you went through?”
Mack shrugged. “No one steady. I don’t know that I’m relationship material, or even friend material any way. I can barely take care of myself. I mean, look at me now.”
I was looking—real hard, too—and I wanted to take him in my arms and never let him go.
Instead, I said, “I think you’re being too hard on yourself, Mack. You’re a survivor, and you should be proud of that. Anyone would be honored to have you as a friend. No one will think less of you because of the difficulties you’ve been through—least of all me.” I cleared my throat and got up from the table. “Time for work. Don’t worry about the dishes. I’ll do them later.”
“Wait,” he said before I left the kitchen. “Does this mean you consider me…a friend again?” He watched me with an undecipherable expression.
I smiled. “Always, Mack. You will always have my friendship.”