Chapter 15

“We’re in our late thirties, Milo, and I’m tired of one-night stands. I want a fresh start to the new year, with a boyfriend on my arm. I’d like it to be you because I think we’d be good together. But if not, I’m willing to look elsewhere.” He walked toward the door.

I scrambled after him, naked and surprisingly desperate. “Where’s all this coming from? You’ve never mentioned anything like this before. It’s kind of sudden, isn’t it?”

“Actually, it’s not.” He opened the door then turned to give me a kiss, full of tongue. My cock tried to rise again, but it was worn out. We’d fucked twice. “Merry Christmas, Milo Slowiak. I wish you the best.”

He closed the door behind him as he left. I stared at it and wondered what the hell had just happened.

* * * *

December 26th

Driving a bus route that began at five in the morning was usually not a problem for me. I had always beenan early riser, and the bus depot was a mere ten miles from my apartment.