Mom was right. I should have come home sooner. It had been forever since I’d been here. Too long since Ilet one stupid, coward of a man dictate when and where I saw my family, all because I couldn’t stand thesight of his cheating face anymore.
With a sigh, I went the rest of the way to my old bedroom at the back of the house and sat on the bed. Everything was freshly washed and dusted, I could tell.
Thanks, Mom.
I really wanted to sleep, but I knew that hot water would disappear fast in this place in the morning when everyone was cleaning up to get ready to do chores. I quickly found my bag of toiletries and went tothe bathroom I’d always considered my own when I’d lived here. Ten minutes later, I fell into bed in sweats and a T-shirt and was soon dead to the world.
* * * *