He was my age and slightly overweight, with a bald spot and his remaining hair pulled back into a stringy ponytail. Henry Farthing wore a short-sleeved shirt with palm trees all over it, Dockers and sneakers.
But for the grace of God, there go I. Tell me this isn’t what I look like in public.
“Why the sudden interest in going back to school?”
“Well, my wife died, and while I loved being on the road, it’s not fun without her anymore. I thought it was time for a change. You’re never too old to try something new, I’ve found.”
Okay, universe, I hear you. Stop poking me.
“Well said, Mr. Farthing.” I pulled out the school catalog. “Let’s talk about what your interests are, and what you might like to pursue.”
An hour later, he decided to audit some Business courses, so I gave him instructions on how to proceed and sent him on his way. Since it was lunchtime, I locked my office and headed out. Instead of going to the teacher’s lounge, however, I went off campus.