Chapter 80

“Faster, Ben! I can take it!”

The headboard pounded against the wall as he pumped into me, relentless in his search for release. I hadn’t come twice in the space of an hour in a long time. But I did tonight, without touching my cock, right before Ben’s yell of completion echoed in the room. That moment is frozen in my memory. He caughthimself on his fists, so as not to collapse on me. Once he caught his breath, Ben pulled out and got rid of the condom, throwing it in the wastebasket nearby. I pulled him down to me, wanting to feel his heat, hear his breathing sync with mine. The drying semen on my chest would probably be uncomfortable after a while, but I didn’t care. Ben laid his head on my chest, and I stroked his colorful hair as we both camedown from our blissful high.

“God, Ben. I don’t know what to say.”

“No need. I feel the same way.”

“My ass will be sore in the morning. I’m looking forward to it.”