Chapter 12

“Like it?” I heard Ry say from right behind me, and I jumped.

“Don’t do that!” I said, lightly punching him in the arm. “Yes, it’s lovely. And the smell of flowers is everywhere.”

“Yeah. It reminds me of my mother. She’s a master gardener and taught me a lot about flowers, plants, trees, you name it. One day I’ll take you over to her place. She’s got a few acres that are just stunning, with so many species of plants and flowers, you get lost in their splendor.”

I smiled. “You sound like a poet.”

“I majored in English Literature and studied poetry. I even self-published some of my work and got great reviews, but it didn’t take long to realize that poets don’t pay the bills without a backup plan, hence the grocery job.”

“Trust me, I understand.” I walked around him and headed for the door. “I’m guessing we’re ready for the park?”

“Yup. I packed a couple of books, water, blankets, and pillows so we can be comfortable. They’re already in the Rover.”