Chapter 67

I tugged against his grip, but he wouldn’t let go. “Stop it, Leroy. You’re harassing me and I can report you.”

“Please, bitch. Everybody knows you sleep around. They’ll think you were begging for it. And who’ll believe you?” He tightened his grasp and it hurt.

Man, I knew how to pick ‘em. Why did I ever think this corn-fed, blond, blue-eyed jerk was ever worth mytime and attention? Oh right. I’d been thinking with my dick.

I was beyond irritated now. “Leroy, let me go. There are cameras here, you know, dumbass? I don’t haveto say a word. It’s all being recorded.”

He raised a hand as if to strike me, but then my boss Tammy appeared. Leroy let go of me at last, grinning like it was all a joke. “We were just playing around. No worries.”

He pocketed his money and sauntered off like nothing had happened.

I rubbed my wrist where he’d held it. It was throbbing and starting to bruise. “Are you alright, Trent? I saw what that fool was doing and it looks like I arrived just in time.”