Chapter 98

“You been eating while you’re working those crazy hours on the way to VP? Scrawny isn’t a good look on you.” And it alarmed me, despite myself.

He rubbed a hand over his forehead. “I forget, sometimes. The stress is so high, and everyone plays hard up there, to make the grade. It’s very competitive. But I don’t suppose you’d understand, as laid back as you are on the job.”

That sounded a bit snide, didn’t it? “Now whose ego needs a pin in it?” I shook my head and stood. “Go visit those fancy friends and family of yours and leave me in peace with my boring, laid-back job.” Which I wouldn’t even have anymore, in a little while, but he didn’t need to know that either.

I walked around him and opened the front door as he said, “Wait, Gus, that’s not how I meant to…” I slammed the door in his face and locked it.