
Chapter 63

“I was in the same boat. Drugs and alcohol, it fucked us up, man. I hung on and hung on and we did all right, we ended at the top, we were the lucky ones to make it through intact. But damn, it was hard. I know I didn’t talk much to you guys about it, but I was hooked on drugs at one point. Your mom kicked my ass, got me the help I needed, and brought me back on the road. I looked at my life, and realized this wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted your mom and a family. I loved the guys and they loved me, but we all knew it was a matter of time. We had one chance to go out on top and we did, but that rarely happens. Whether it’s the hard stuff or prescription meds man, bands rarely stick it out and make it out alive.”

Jordan scoffed, “You?”