
Chapter 66

Corey could tell he was about to lose it, and hurriedly said, “Yeah, he’s okay.” He sounded vague anda little bit sad. Trevor was about to ask when Peter whispered, “Just enjoy your night, don’t worry about Jordan. Tonight’s about you. He’s okay. Just down. He wants to come home, but feels if he does, he’s a failure.”

“Here tonight we have Frederique Stanwich, who was scouting for new talent, and we are honored he came to our little town. Let me introduce Trevor Morrow. The paintings he featured tonight have sold out, and Trevor, there are many orders that people would like to place. Frederique would like to speak to youabout a possible contract with his gallery in New York. I want to thank you all for coming tonight. I am so pleased with the support you have all showed Trevor and our gallery.”