“You got enough money on you?” Charlie asked when Derek was finished.
“Yep. You know I don’t spend much.” Derek chuckled morosely. “Which, right now, I guess, is a good thing.” He hefted the bags over his shoulders and looked around. “I’m going to miss this place. I’m…I’m going to miss you.”
“Let’s not get maudlin,” Charlie said. But he came over to give Derek a fast hug. “You keep in touch. You have my number. Though come to think of it, it might not be a good idea to call if what I see on TV is true. They might be able to track you.”
Derek nodded. “Maybe…”
Charlie held out his hand. “Give it over. I’ll put it somewhere safe and if they find your number, try calling or tracking it, they’ll think you’re still here. Or better yet, I’ll toss it in the dumpster. That should make them wonder when it ends up in a landfill.”
Derek handed him his phone. “Anything else?”
“Not that I can think of. You take care of yourself. Okay?”